Do Deer Eat Verbena?

Author: Jacob Smith
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In USDA zones 5 through 11, verbena flowering plants thrive. No plant is safe from a deer’s chewing, as you may have heard. You might wish to defend your garden if deer are constantly around it. So, do deer eat verbena?

Deer typically avoid Verbena, although they might eat it if they’re starving or have no other options. On Rutgers University’s assessment scale, which ranges from Rarely Damaged to Frequently Severely Damaged, this plant is classified as Seldom Severely Damaged.

So let’s continue to see if deer will consume verbena or not.

Do deer eat Verbena?

Due to their dislike of the flavor, texture, and perfume of verbenas, deer do not eat them. Deer might eat verbena plants, nevertheless, if they were starving and had few other options for food. Deer are not attracted to the plant’s stiff stems and hairy leaves. For deer, the flavor of the plant is likewise bitter.

It is because of the texture of the plant that a herd of deer would gravitate toward it and eat from it more frequently than other plants. The verbena plant, which is sharp and woolly, is not a deer’s favorite diet.

Deer also dislike verbena and do not enjoy eating the plant. However, when their food source is limited and they are unable to locate much to eat, they will consume verbena.

Deer do not enjoy the rough texture of verbena plants in their diet. As a result, it is frequently believed that a deer must be starving if it is eating a verbena plant.

Do deer eat verbena plants?

A deer may consume verbena plants and flowers if there aren’t enough food sources available, especially during the pre-winter season when they require nutrients.

Deer typically avoid eating the plant because they dislike its harsh, pungent flavor. Deer are put off by the perfume of the blossoms because they are aromatic.

Deer also stay away from the plant due to the bushy nature of the leaves and the stiff stems.

Are verbena deer resistant?

A stunning, deer-resistant planting is created by pink and white cleome (Cleome hassleriana, annual) and clouds of purple verbena.

Are purple Verbena deer resistant?

Plants that attract pollinators like bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies include purple verbena. Additionally, this plant is resistant to deer damage and is typically off the menu if you have a problem with them eating your plants.

Will deer eat Verbena bonariensis?

Verbena bonariensis isĀ deer resistant, rabbit resistant and drought tolerant. This can be used as a cut flower in arrangements, either fresh or dried. The honey bees and butterflies love this verbena as well.

Will deer eat lemon Verbena?

Lemon Verbena is a Tender perennial that blooms summer to fall. Lemon Verbena is Deer resistant.

Lemon verbena has some of the most fragrant foliage and its potent scent may fill a whole garden.

This is encouraging for those who want to grow in regions with a large deer population. Deer avoid plants with strong aromas, hence they do not consume verbena as food.

How To Keep Deer Away From Verbena?

Putting up fencing around your yard is a great technique to prevent deer from damaging your property. If doing so isn’t practical or viable, you might want to think about applying a repellent with a strong scent.

Will Verbena Come Back After Deer Eat Them?

Plants that experience minor harm may grow back after deer have eaten them. It’s unlikely that severely injured plants will recover.

Trim off any partially injured growth from your Verbena if it has been damaged, and take precautions in case the deer comes again. If not, make sure it gets lots of light and water; otherwise, it might recover over time.

Does verbena come back every year?

The genus Verbena includes a number of plant species. While some of these plants are annuals that must be replaced every year, the majority are perennials that grow back year after year. In zones 7 through 11, verbena thrives as a perennial, whereas in colder regions and zones, it thrives as an annual.

Do deer eat verbena and petunias?

Deer are known to eat whatever plant they come upon. Petunias and verbenas do not fit into the category of plants that are more likely to be eaten by deer. However, if one or more deer approach your yard, they can be harmed.

Final Thoughts

If deer have nothing else to eat, they will only eat verbena plants and flowers. If a deer can get over the plant’s astringent flavor and texture, it won’t hurt them to consume verbena because it is not poisonous. Deer can be kept away by building a fence or using natural odor deterrents.

There are numerous types, and deer and other animals generally do not favor them. Verbena might be a nice option if deer frequently devour your outdoor plants.

An expert in deer hunting with 10 years of experience in the field and woods. Certified as a hunter by the State of California. I created Deer Hunting Life as my personal blog to share my experience and tips on deer hunting.