Do Deer Move Right After A Rain?

Author: Jacob Smith
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Because of the impending weather, I have witnessed deer hunters pack up and head home days in advance. What’s worse is that the atmosphere inside soon starts to change as a result of the gloom outside. Instantaneously, a valuable week of vacation time and deer hunting is lost. Do deer move right after a rain, is a question that many hunters have.

First off, keep in mind that mature bucks will start to move as soon as the rain stops. The fact that they will be moving during the day is more significant. It is crucial to take advantage of rain because it is one of the few conditions that will promote daylight movement.

To understand if deer move right after a rain or they don’t like going out after just raining, keep reading this article.

Do deer move right after a rain?

The scientific evidence dispelled the idea that deer are immobile in strong winds by showing that deer, especially bucks, tend to move more during windy days than during calm ones. Will it function the same way on wet days?

The optimum time to use your black powder gun during the rut immediately following a rain is during the season. As soon as the rain stops, deer will emerge from dense cover to clean up their scrapes.

The rain washes away all the information they’ve left in the scrapes, so they have to reactivate them. Bucks can immediately reactivate their signposts because their home ranges typically cover approximately a mile.

He can frequently restore his scratch line in under an hour. If you walk to your stand after it stops raining, you’ll probably scare the buck or miss the deer that had already stopped by the scrape close to your stand before you got there.

Move to your stand in the rain to take advantage of the fact that bucks instantly clean off their scratches after a rain. After the rain ceases, the buck should be visible in 5 to 1 hours. When he approaches the scrape line where you hunt, you can then shoot.

The chances are high that the bucks have been in their beds since the rain first began if it has been raining for an extended period of time, either all night or for the majority of the day.

When the rain ceases, they will move to feed if it has been 8 to 12 hours since their last meal. As a result, whether you hunt during or after the rut, positioning your tree stand close to a food supply before the rain stops may aid in the capture of a buck.

You must be aware of what deer do in adverse weather circumstances, as well as what other hunters in the region where you hunt do.

Is deer hunting good after a storm?

When a storm has passed, deer do similarly. Furthermore, the storm need not be a major one. If a buck cannot feed at night because to wind or severe rain, he will be out in the morning if the weather improves. Concentrate your efforts in the same regions that you did prior to the storm.

Do deer move after rain storms?

You should expect significant deer migration if the weather changes. Deer also begin acting erratically, much like a human who notices clouds and realizes the barometric pressure is lowering goes outside and tries to mow the lawn. The other time I’ve saw numerous deer was immediately following a shower.

What do deer do when it rains?

A deer or herd of deer may seek cover under a rocky ledge or under a stand of pine trees when it’s time to go to bed so they can stay dry and have a good view of any oncoming predators.

Do bucks check scrapes after rain?

Of the two, scrapes can forecast where a buck will most likely reappear. Hunting scrapes after a rain could boost your chances of coming across a large deer buck, even though many adult males check scrapes at night. Bucks start scratches to claim “their” territory.

Will big bucks move in the rain?

Because it’s quieter for them to move and easier for them to smell while it’s raining, bucks seem to feel safer moving during the daytime. Obviously, rain muffles the sound of crunching leaves, thus deer normally move with a little less precision when it rains.

Is it good to hunt after a rain?

One of the nicest times to be in the woods is right after a storm. Everything begins to move once again, and the rain may have temporarily dulled their senses. The stifling winds that accompany rain make it difficult for deer to hear and compromise their sense of smell.

How do you track deer in the rain?

Is it good to hunt deer in the rain?

You can move stealthily through the forest because of the damp conditions on the forest floor, which makes it perfect for still-hunting or spot-and-stalking. While it appears that deer may smell better in damp environments, a hunter can benefit from a big downpour since it washes away ground aroma.

Can deer smell you in the rain?

A consistent fall rain aids in removing human odor more rapidly. But this is a problematic situation because deer’s sense of smell also benefits from moist, humid environments. This is due to how similar a deer is to a dog.

How does rain affect the rut?

Many hunters say that warm weather, along with rain and wind, will stop deer movement during the rut. While this may be true for a large portion of the year, it is still true that a doe will breed regardless of the weather or the time of day.


This article should have taught you that while deer do move in the rain, their movement is proportionately reduced as the intensity of the rain increases. However, in order to decide on the best course of action when deer hunting in the rain, you must take the season and the weather into account.

An expert in deer hunting with 10 years of experience in the field and woods. Certified as a hunter by the State of California. I created Deer Hunting Life as my personal blog to share my experience and tips on deer hunting.