How Long Can a Deer Hang in 60 Degree Weather

Author: Jacob Smith
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As the saying goes, ‘time waits for no man,’ and in the case of aging venison, neither does temperature. You’ve taken down a deer, and the weather’s sitting at a mild 60 degrees—so now you’re faced with the crucial decision of how long you can let the meat hang.

It’s a fine line to walk; hang it too long and you risk spoilage, but rush it and you sacrifice flavor and tenderness. You’re about to uncover the factors that influence the safe duration for hanging your deer, including humidity, air circulation, and the size of your game.

This guide will provide you with the tools to ensure the fruits of your hunt don’t go to waste, maintaining the quality of your venison in warmer weather. Stay with us as we explore the best practices for hanging deer when the temperature refuses to cooperate.

How Long Can a Deer Hang in 60 Degree Weather?

Understanding the risks of spoilage, you shouldn’t hang a deer for extended periods when temperatures are around 60 degrees Fahrenheit, as it can compromise the meat’s safety and quality. While the ideal temperature range for aging venison is between 32 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit, 60 degree weather can accelerate bacteria growth and lead to spoilage more quickly than cooler conditions.

It’s essential to monitor the temperature closely if you hang a deer in warmer weather. As soon as the thermometer creeps above 40 degrees, bacteria become more active, and the risk of spoilage increases. If you find the weather consistently exceeds 60 degrees, consider refrigerating the deer meat instead to ensure its longevity.

Optimal Hanging Temperature Range

To ensure the quality and safety of venison, aim to hang your deer within the optimal temperature range of 32 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This range significantly slows down the growth of bacteria that can spoil the meat. Hanging your deer outside of this range, particularly in 60 degree weather, can be risky.

The warmer air temperature accelerates bacterial growth on the carcass surface, which can lead to spoilage.

When you’re dealing with 60 degree temperatures, it’s crucial to minimize the time the deer hangs. If you can’t avoid these conditions, take extra precautions. You might only have a few days before the meat’s quality diminishes.

Ideally, you’d move the deer to a refrigerated space if the air temperature can’t be maintained below 40 degrees.

Will a deer spoil overnight in 60 degree weather?

In 60-degree weather, your deer may begin to spoil overnight as the temperature is conducive to bacterial growth that can lead to meat spoilage. While a deer can technically hang for an extended period if the internal organs remain cool, the risk of spoilage increases at temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. At 60 degrees, bacteria can multiply rapidly, compromising the quality and safety of the meat.

If you’ve got a deer hanging and the temperature hovers around 60 degrees, be cautious. Bacterial growth accelerates in this warmth, raising the chances that your deer could spoil overnight. To prevent this, you should process the deer as quickly as possible after the harvest, especially in such warm conditions.

Tips for Warm Weather Hanging

When hanging a deer in warm weather, it’s crucial to take extra precautions to ensure the meat doesn’t spoil before processing. In 60 degree weather, you’ve got to be more vigilant than usual.

First, make sure you’ve properly gutted, skinned, and washed the carcass. This initial step is your first defense against bacterial growth and spoilage.

Next, consider quartering the deer to speed up the cooling process. If a fridge or walk-in cooler isn’t available, you can use coolers to store the quarters. Pack these with bags of ice to keep the meat chilled. This method not only maintains a lower temperature but also helps to keep flies at bay.

Always hang your deer in a shaded area where air can circulate around the meat. This is crucial for cooling and odor control. Additionally, drape the carcass or quarters with game bags or cheesecloth to protect against insects. If temperatures climb, don’t hesitate to ice it down regularly.

Keep a close eye on the meat and don’t delay processing. The longer it hangs in warm weather, the higher the risk for spoilage. Remember, time is of the essence when you’re dealing with 60 degree weather and deer meat.

Alternative Preservation Methods

Considering the risks associated with hanging deer meat in warm temperatures, exploring alternative preservation methods ensures your harvest remains safe and edible. When the mercury rises above the optimal range of 32-40 degrees Fahrenheit, bacteria can thrive, especially if you’re dealing with 60-degree weather. It’s crucial to act swiftly to prevent spoilage.

You should consider skinning and quartering the deer to expedite cooling. Place the meat in a cooler with a drainage grate to allow cold air to circulate freely and ensure any fluids can drain away. This method helps maintain the meat at a safe temperature, limiting bacterial growth.

Moreover, wrapping and refrigerating or freezing the meat in portions can be an effective strategy. It’s important to process the deer as soon as possible, sealing the meat after it has been adequately cooled. Make sure to inspect inside the cavity for any remaining warmth that could harbor bacteria.

If you’re not keen on letting the deer hang, canning or jerking are viable options as well. These methods secure the longevity of your venison by creating an environment where bacteria can’t easily multiply, allowing you to enjoy your harvest without the worry of rapid spoilage.


Now you know, hanging your deer in 60-degree weather is risky business. Aim for a cooler, 40-degree sweet spot to avoid spoilage.

If it’s warmer, don’t push past 24 hours; bacteria love the heat.

For best practice, quarter and chill it fast, or consider other preservation methods.

Keep it safe, savor that tenderness, and enjoy your well-earned venison.

Remember, proper aging in the right temp makes all the difference.

Happy hunting and wise hanging!

An expert in deer hunting with 10 years of experience in the field and woods. Certified as a hunter by the State of California. I created Deer Hunting Life as my personal blog to share my experience and tips on deer hunting.